Thursday, August 31, 2017

Greg Louganis Chaillot

I'm two-for-two getting signatures from this legendary Diver.  The return address from him simply said "Chaillot", which is the last name of his husband, Johnny Chaillot.  Thanks again, Greg!
Mailed: 8-7-17
Received Back: 8-31-17
Turnaround Time: 24 Days

Monday, August 21, 2017

Peyton Manning

The third time was a charm in trying to get the signature of this legend.  Peyton Manning is one of the greatest QBs of all-time.  He won a Super Bowl with the Colts and a Super Bowl with the Broncos, and his 71,940 passing yards and 539 passing touchdowns are both first all-time (at the time I'm writing this, anyway).  The best autograph score of the year so far came in the mail on a day where there was a solar eclipse.  Thanks so much, Peyton!  Hope you're enjoying retirement!
Mailed: 7-17-17
Received Back: 8-21-17
Turnaround Time: 35 Days

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Three Summer Failures

Being summer, I haven't sent out nearly as many autograph requests as I did during the colder months at the beginning of the year, but three recent failures include Tim Duncan, Ben Roethlisberger, and a RTS from Kobe Bryant.