Monday, December 31, 2018

How To Get Autographs Through the Mail in 2019

For the last post of the year, on the last day of the year, I'll share three quick tips for TTM success!

QUANTITY:  While my percentage of success has gone up in the past year because I've done a better job picking higher-probability signers to send to, the more you send out, the more you will get back.  To date, I've gotten back over 300 successes in three years, but sent out over 700 requests.

STATISTICS:  One big thing I learned for 2018 was that there are plenty of great resources for finding addresses, what percentage of the time athletes sign, when the last time they signed was, if there's a donation fee for a signature, etc.  Sometimes it's worth taking a gamble on a low probability player if it's one you really want to get, but often times, knowing the statistics will save you the time and the cost of the stamps.

RESOURCES: There are some great places to find out these statistics.  Prior to 2018, I was simply using and Google.  Sometimes, I still use these tools, but it's been much more seldom since I discovered the TTM Manager at  SCF is free to join.  I found out about this when I joined a Facebook group for baseball TTMers.  However, I'm going to try something new for 2019 and buy a premium membership subscription ($15/year) to as well.

Good luck, everyone, and Happy New Year!

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